Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Nintendo 3DS V6.2.0 firmware update lock R4 card

Nintendo 3DS system update to V6.2.0-12 version today. It add a StreetPass support and improve some other function. The new V6.2.0 update will make the 3DS console to be more powerful. However, it block all flashcard in the marked currently. Below is the 3DS V6.2.0 update content:
change log of 3ds V6.2.0-12
Main changes from version 6.2.0-12U
Date Available: 08/05/2013
Added support for the Street Pass relay feature
Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
R4 card locked by 3DS V6.2.0-12
As we test, all flashcard in the market are locked by the latest 3ds system. When you run R4 card in the 3DS V6.2.0, it will show: “an error has occured, press and hold the power button to turn the system off“. So if you are useing a R4 card, please don’t update the 3DS system to V6.2.0 untill we fix the problem.
Below R4 cards can work on 3ds V6.2.0-12:
R4i Gold 3DS card from r4ids.cn.
R4i Gold 3DS RTS card from r4ids.cn.
Supercard dstwo from supercard.sc.
R4i SDHC 3DS RTS card from r4i-sdhc.com.
R4i Dual Core card from r4isdhc.com.
Below R4 cards can’t work on 3ds V6.2.0-12:
R4i SDHC 3DS card from r4i-sdhc.com.
R4i RTS card and from r4isdhc.com.
R4iTT RTS card from r4itt.net.
R4i-Gold Pro card from r4i-gold.com.
R4i Gold plus card from r4ids.com.
M3i Zero card from m3adapter.com
Acekard 2i card from acekard.com

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